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Breastfeeding Bottle - How to Choose the Perfect One?

Breastfeeding bottle is on a must-have list for every new mom! Even the best mother ever cannot be with a baby all the time - you'll have to give your breastfed baby a bottle at some point when you are not around, or the father wants to share responsibilities.

Breastfed babies are likely to prefer natural breast to fake nipples, but if you pick the right breastfeeding bottle, the process won't be that hard although you might have to try a few bottle brands before your baby correctly latches and accept the substitute.

How to choose the perfect bottle? There are a few factors to consider: price, material, ease of use, additional features. I have some tips, what to look at.

Breastfeeding bottle design

Try to choose an option that most closely mimics breastfeeding. The one with a wide, soft nipple that makes your baby work for the milk. The more realistic looking bottle - the better. There are bottles with natural-colored nipples, different shapes, and softness.

Check if there are anti-colic vents, lowering the amount of air that baby swallows.

No flow or low flow bottles are better; if the baby controls the milk flow, the easier it will be to use breastfeeding and bottle feeding alternately.


Safety first! Make sure that all used materials are BPA-free.

The second thing is the baby's comfort - bottles made of silicone, that are soft and squishy, mimic mom's breast well can help to make it easy for little ones to grab and accept the alternative.


For your own sanity, choose the breastfeeding bottle that is microwave, dishwasher, and sterilizer-safe. Also always choose the wide neck design, that should be easy to clean—no bottle brush needed!


Timing is key when introducing a bottle to a breastfed baby! Between two and four weeks should be the ideal time to introduce a breastfed baby to a bottle. It is good to wait two weeks before beginning to pump. Starting too soon can interfere with production; waiting too long may result with baby rejecting the breastfeeding bottle.

If you're just exploring breastfeeding topics - please check my How to make breastfeeding pleasant and easy. It is a guide in a nutshell, letting young women really enjoy the breastfeeding journey!

Susan Urban